Plan miasta Fellegvar

Fellegvar - Najnowsze wiadomości:

nine towers (at least) and a painted (ex-)synagogue

the hill i'm standing on is called citadel hill / cetatuia / bfellegvar/b, and it has the ruins of an old fort upon it. deep moats, now full of green grass, and gateway passages leading to a central plain on the top of the hill. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Gesztenye Sunrise / Spikey Balls

sonykus posted a photo:. Gesztenye Sunrise / Spikey Balls. Saturday morning, just after sunrise. Our first stop, on Citadel Hill (Fellegvar).
źródło: BlogSearch

Gesztenye Sunrise / Spikey Balls

sonykus posted a photo:. Gesztenye Sunrise / Spikey Balls. Saturday morning, just after sunrise. Our first stop, on Citadel Hill (Fellegvar).
źródło: BlogSearch
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